:mod:`lamberthub.utils.misc` ============================ .. py:module:: lamberthub.utils.misc :noindex: .. autoapi-nested-parse:: Miscellany utilities Module Contents --------------- Functions ~~~~~~~~~ .. autoapisummary:: lamberthub.utils.misc.get_solver_name lamberthub.utils.misc._get_sample_vectors_from_theta_and_rho .. py:function:: get_solver_name(solver) Returns solver's name. :param solver: Solver function. :type solver: function :returns: **name** -- String representation for the solver. :rtype: str .. py:function:: _get_sample_vectors_from_theta_and_rho(theta, rho) Returns the initial and final position vectors contained in the reference XY plane being given the transfer angle and the norm ration between them. :param theta: The transfer angle. :type theta: float :param rho: The ratio between the norms of the final and initial vectors. :type rho: float :returns: * **r1_vec** (*~np.array*) -- The initial position vector. * **r2_vec** (*~np.array*) -- The final position vector. .. rubric:: Notes The purpose of this function is to easily generate initial data for the Lambert's problem in the sense of position vectors. The function is used by the performance plotters and to generate various time of flight curves for the different available algorithms.