:mod:`lamberthub.utils.stumpff` =============================== .. py:module:: lamberthub.utils.stumpff :noindex: .. autoapi-nested-parse:: This module holds the so-called Stumpff functions. These set of functions usually appear in a plethora of equations within the subject of astrodynamics. Module Contents --------------- Functions ~~~~~~~~~ .. autoapisummary:: lamberthub.utils.stumpff.c2 lamberthub.utils.stumpff.c3 .. py:function:: c2(psi) Second Stumpff function. For positive arguments: .. math:: c_2(\psi) = \frac{1 - \cos{\sqrt{\psi}}}{\psi} .. py:function:: c3(psi) Third Stumpff function. For positive arguments: .. math:: c_3(\psi) = \frac{\sqrt{\psi} - \sin{\sqrt{\psi}}}{\sqrt{\psi^3}}