A module hosting all algorithms devised by Arora
Module Contents#
Solves Lambert problem using Arora's devised algorithm |
Compute different gamma values |
Computes Sundman transformation variable. |
Evaluates the auxiliary function at particular value of the independent |
Evaluate the first derivative of Ws w.r.t. independent variable k. |
Evaluate the second derivative of Ws w.r.t. independent variable k. |
Evaluates the first derivative of the auxiliary function w.r.t. the |
Evaluates the second derivative of the auxiliary function w.r.t. the |
Evaluates the time of flight at a particular value of the independent variable. |
- lamberthub.universal_solvers.arora.arora2013(mu, r1, r2, tof, M=0, prograde=True, low_path=True, maxiter=35, atol=1e-05, rtol=1e-07, full_output=False)#
Solves Lambert problem using Arora’s devised algorithm
- Parameters:
mu (float) – Gravitational parameter, equivalent to \(GM\) of attractor body.
r1 (numpy.array) – Initial position vector.
r2 (numpy.array) – Final position vector.
M (int) – Number of revolutions. Must be equal or greater than 0 value.
prograde (bool) – If True, specifies prograde motion. Otherwise, retrograde motion is imposed.
low_path (bool) – If two solutions are available, it selects between high or low path.
maxiter (int) – Maximum number of iterations.
atol (float) – Absolute tolerance \(abs(x_{i+1} - x_{i})\)
rtol (float) – Relative tolerance \(abs(\frac{x_{i+1}}{x_{i}} - 1)\)
full_output (bool) – If True, the number of iterations and time per iteration are also returned.
- Returns:
v1 (numpy.array) – Initial velocity vector
v2 (numpy.array) – Final velocity vector
numiter (int) – Number of iterations.
tpi (float) – Time per iteration in seconds.
Lambert’s problem solver using the method proposed by Nitin Arora and Ryan P. Rusell in 2013, see [1]. This algorithm exploits the universal formulae by defining a new cosine-based transformation and developing a robust initial guess. Although based on arbitrary conditions, the algorithm shows a high performance.
[1] Arora, N., & Russell, R. P. (2013). A fast and robust multiple revolution Lambert algorithm using a cosine transformation. Paper AAS, 13, 728.
- lamberthub.universal_solvers.arora._get_gammas(F_i, F_n, F_star)#
Compute different gamma values
- lamberthub.universal_solvers.arora._get_x(F_0, F_1, F_i, F_star, Z, alpha)#
Computes Sundman transformation variable.
- Parameters:
F_0 (float) – First boundary coefficient.
F_1 (float) – Second boundary coefficient.
F_i (float) – Third boundary coefficient.
F_star (float) – Last boundary coefficient.
Z (float) – Auxiliary constant.
alpha (float) – Auxiliary constant.
- Returns:
x – Sundman transformation value.
- Return type:
This is equation (44) from original report.
- lamberthub.universal_solvers.arora._get_W(k, M, epsilon=0.02)#
Evaluates the auxiliary function at particular value of the independent variable.
- Parameters:
k (float) – Independent variable.
M (int) – Number of revolutions
epsilon (float) – Tolerance parameter. Default value as in the original report.
- Returns:
W – Value of the auxiliary function.
- Return type:
This is equation (27) from official report.
- lamberthub.universal_solvers.arora._get_Wsprime(k)#
Evaluate the first derivative of Ws w.r.t. independent variable k.
- Parameters:
k (float) – The independent variable.
- Returns:
Ws_prime – Value of the first derivative w.r.t. to k.
- Return type:
This equation was not provided in the original report, probably because author assumed it was trivial.
- lamberthub.universal_solvers.arora._get_Ws2prime(k)#
Evaluate the second derivative of Ws w.r.t. independent variable k.
- Parameters:
k (float) – The independent variable.
- Returns:
Ws_2prime – Value of the second derivative w.r.t. to k.
- Return type:
This equation was not provided in the original report, probably because author assumed it was trivial.
- lamberthub.universal_solvers.arora._get_Wprime(k, W, epsilon=0.02)#
Evaluates the first derivative of the auxiliary function w.r.t. the independent variable k.
- Parameters:
k (float) – The independent variable.
W (float) – The auxiliary function value.
- Returns:
W_prime – The value of the first derivative of the auxiliary function.
- Return type:
This is equation set (38) from official report.
- lamberthub.universal_solvers.arora._get_W2prime(k, W, W_prime, epsilon=0.02)#
Evaluates the second derivative of the auxiliary function w.r.t. the independent variable k.
- Parameters:
k (float) – The independent variable.
W (float) – The auxiliary function value.
- Returns:
W_2prime – The value of the second derivative of the auxiliary function.
- Return type:
This is equation set (39) from official report.
- lamberthub.universal_solvers.arora._get_TOF(k, tau, S, W)#
Evaluates the time of flight at a particular value of the independent variable.
- Parameters:
k (float) – The independent variable.
tau (float) – Lambert’s geometry parameter.
S (float) – Auxiliary variable.
- Returns:
TOF – Computed time of flight.
- Return type:
This is equation (26) form official report.